Friday, April 11, 2008

About face

Ok. i admit i am an addict for facebook. i poked fun of it for awhile saying "it is the best way to stay in contact with people who you didn't realize you cared about until facebook was around." but i love it. i have been on the oregon trail, found out i have an accent, all sorts of stuff to wastse my time. since getting married shortly (2 months) after high school it has enabled me to find my high school friends..

ok..we got three games in the mail the other day..endless ocean is endlessly boring. what it did make me do is book a cruise and a scuba diving excursion. so i am beginning to think that endless ocean was in cahoots with the travel industry from the start. i finally finished apollo took me almost a month. middle thumb..its classic that there are 4 different characters and the cases and stories all intertwine so i liked that aspect of it. but i forced myself to finish it. pixel junk monsters is still probably my fave game of the moment. ian knows that my babies can't get killed. it is very endearing that a 4 yr old is giving me pointers. love it!
everyone who is local better make an appearance at the yard sale tomorrow for sadie huish. i am cleaning my basement today scouring for stuff to take.. english majors this blog is not for you i have runon sentences that go on forever. i fragments. I NEVER CAPITALIZE because it takes too long. i hardly punctuate. so if you can get past that then super d dupe! read friend read on...

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