Monday, December 8, 2008


Tonight for fHe, we went to an awesome place in Alpine. It was at a church where they do a live nativity. I guess the person who started it died of cancer and now family and friends continue to do it to aid in cancer awareness and such. Matt was sick so I ended up going with my sister, Christi, and her girls. After the week I have had, I was looking forward to something spiritual.

The first barn is decorated like Bethlehem complete with a camel named Max and sheep. After the Bethlehem barn, we were directed to go to the manger where we would find baby Jesus. It was great and exactly what I needed today. My kids were acting crazy but once we got to baby Jesus they quieted and were very peaceful. The spirit that was in the barn was so amazing. It was freezing outside pelting us with hail and all sorts of precipitation but i felt instantly warmed and did not really ever want to leave. We did eventually leave and got pelted all the way down the hill until we waited for the covered horse trailers came to take us back to our cars.

We loved it. We will for sure be making this a yearly tradition.


Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

That sounds great. I organized cans in the storage room while feeling like I wanted to rip heads and maim people. Not very spiritual.

Lindsay said...

you will have to tell me where it is. what a great idea for FHE. We'll have to go one night. Thanks again for watching the kiddos for me. It was a much needed break.

Katie McCaul said...

That sounds way cool! I need to know where it is also so I guess you better post the address or something!