Thursday, May 15, 2008

electrician cami to the rescue

I am a mom which requires me to wear many hats. one i didnt think i would ever wear is an electrician hat. but the other morning i was cold and went to turn the heat on and it wouldnt turn on. i tried to turn on the a/c no luck. i know our thermostat was on his last wirey leg so i thought oh great it needs to be fixed. after a pep talk with the lig, i decided to fix it myself and last night after i zapped the lights causing my children to freak out and wonder why the house went suddenly black. i tackled the task of rewiring a is no big deal really match wires to wires but in my head i was 6th man coming off the bench to seal a victory. so last night i tried it out and it didnt work and then i tinkered with it today and wahhhhlaawhhhh!!!!it is done. my temperature wish is my command. how did the pioneers ever do it?

we celebrated the classic way: dinner at arctic circle and two cans of diet coke .home depot and out here i come.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Slammy....and she's up to bat! are you with chiseling doors for hardware??

Kristen said...

You're awesome! Good job.

Jane said...

You're awesome! I'll call you when I need an electrician's hand :P